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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

GOD & You

Many people seem to think that they can rely on everyone for everything every time. This is not true. You can rely on people but at some point their actions will let you down. We as humans are not perfect and will always do something, intentionally or accidentally, to let someone down. It is important to not let the actions of others drag you down emotionally and affect your attitude. Always remember that the only people you can fully rely on is God and yourself. If you want something to happen in life, don't rely on other people, take charge yourself or ask God for help. By doing this you will always see the end result that God wants for you in your life.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Be A Blessing To Everyone

Something that we should all try to do each and every day is be a blessing to everyone we come in contact with. You don't always have to do major things for people to make a difference in their lives. People will appreciate the little things just as much as the big things. Open a door for someone, smile, or just say hi. Actions that might seem simple to many, could change the lives of others forever. God created us to be blessings to other people, not curses. We all have the power to choose, will you be a blessing today?

Monday, August 7, 2017

No Discrimination On God's Creation

We live in a very judgmental world. If you don't act, look, or speak a certain way people will make fun of you. Everyone is created differently, but equally in the eyes of God. We were not all designed to be the same weight, height, or have the same features. God doesn't create junk. Be thankful for the way you were created because you will never be like anyone else. Do not make fun of anyone for the way that they were created, because you will hurt both that persons heart and the heart of God. Our God is the ultimate sculptor and he designs everyone with a particular purpose. That purpose is to be different and to contribute our differences to make the world a more glorious place.