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Monday, July 3, 2017

Time Well Spent

Time is something just about everybody wishes they could get back. People are constantly wanting to rewind or fast forward their lives to a certain memory or moment. God has given us one life here on Earth and it is important that we enjoy and make the best of it. Everyone was created with a purpose for their lifetime. Do the things that you want, in the time that you have, but make sure they are worth it. Do what you never dared to do, go to college, get married, start a family, because we are never guaranteed another day.
Time Well Spent

1 comment:

  1. You share beautiful pictures and inspiration in your posts!
    Time is something that we can never get back! We should live trying to have no regrets, making each moment count. I have understood one thing in my life; that there is a time and season we are in as time moves along. First being a child in school to a young adult in school, then moving on to a job, marriage or family. Whatever the season in your life, make it the best with what you have control of! There is joy in a every day when you look for it. If we wake up each morning determined to find happiness and joy we will find it!


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